THE CHILD IN THE CITY: Virtual & Collaborative Programme for Students


Dates: 25 October, 8-15-22-29 November 2023 - Wednesday - Time: 5-6.30 pm (Rome Time)

Are you passionate about children's literature and eager to explore its global impact? Our innovative program focuses on revolutionizing teaching practices for learning environments. We seamlessly weave international, intercultural, and sustainable dimensions into every facet of our curriculum.

What can you expect?

1) Transformative Learning Experience
Our program revolutionizes teaching practices, infusing international, intercultural, and sustainable dimensions into every aspect of our curriculum. Explore an interactive, student-centered learning experience

2) Picturebooks: Passport to Global Diversity
Dive into the world of picturebooks as a powerful classroom resource. Gain insights into integrating the experiences and knowledge of students from diverse European cultural backgrounds

3) Diverse Perspectives in Children's Literature
Take part in a diverse community, embracing cultural exchange and exploring global impacts. Engage in lively discussions, broaden your perspectives, and explore unique research approaches.

The Team

Introducing our distinguished trio of scholars from the Department FISPPA at the University of Padova (Italy), the Institute of Pedagogy at the University of Gdansk (Poland), and the Department of Languages and Cultures at the University of Aveiro (Portugal). Together, we are committed to aligning our eff orts with Agenda 2030, prioritizing quality education for all. By immersing students in a dynamic, international learning experience, we aim to cultivate cross-cultural perspectives and instill a deep appreciation for diversity through the lens of children's literature.

Marnie Campagnaro, University of Padova

Associate Professor at the University of Padova and Director of a postgraduate course in children’s literature. Her main research fi elds include picturebooks, fairy-tales, architecture, ecocriticism, object-oriented literary criticism. Her most recent publications include ‘Material Green Entanglements: Research on Student Teachers’ Aesthetic and Ecocritical Engagement with Picturebooks of Their Own Choice’, co-written with Nina Goga. She is member of the research group of the four-year NOTED project ‘Green Dialogues: Teacher training in environmental children’s literature through dialogic teaching practices’ (2022–2025).

Małgorzata Cackowska (University of Gdansk)

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdansk. Her research interests include the social and cultural contexts of education, in particular the social and political construction of discourses in picturebooks and new media and technology for children. She is a co-author of Look! Polish Picturebook! (2017) and Captains of Illustrations. 100 Years of Children’s Book from Poland (2019), which promote the Polish School of Illustration and Picturebooks. She is a member of The European Network of Picturebook Research.

Ana Margarida Ramos (University of Aveiro)

Full Professor at the Department of Languages and Cultures at the University of Aveiro, in Portugal, where she teaches since 1999. She is a Full Researcher of the Research Centre for Languages, Literatures and Cultures and a collaborator of the Research Centre for Didactics and Technology in Trainers Education of the same University. She organised several national and international conferences, including 2015 The Child and The Book – Fractures and Disruptions in Children’s Literature. She’s author and co-author of several books, book chapters and international journal articles.

Project Overview


  1. Provide an enriching and highly eff ective international learning experience for both students and educators
  2. Foster cross-cultural perspectives and a deep appreciation for diversity through teaching children’s literature
  3. Establish a pioneering European didactic-research collaboration, off ering students global perspectives within their program of study.

Relevance, Key Users, and Benefi ciaries:

  • Ideal for Bachelor's and Master's Degree students, Erasmus participants, as well as education planners and practitioners seeking international expertise.
  • Enhances capacities for identifying and addressing quality constraints in Education degree programs.
  • Empowers learners with greater access to international quality education

Contact Details

For questions or clarifi cations, don't hesitate to reach out anytime. Thank you and we look forward to this innovative learning experience with you!

Marnie Campagnaro University of Padova

Małgorzata Cackowska University of Gdansk

Ana Margarida Ramos University of Aveiro


For more details, please see tha attachment.

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Data publikacji: środa, 11. Październik 2023 - 13:14; osoba wprowadzająca: Karolina Żuk-Wieczorkiewicz Ostatnia zmiana: środa, 11. Październik 2023 - 13:20; osoba wprowadzająca: Karolina Żuk-Wieczorkiewicz