Innsbruck goes international

The idea:

This year, the International Exchange Week of Psychology at the Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck takes place for the 11th time and is scheduled from May 4th to May 11th, 2018.

We, eleven psychology students from the University of Innsbruck, invite fellow psychology students from various countries to Innsbruck to get to know our academic life, the Tyrolean culture, and the beautiful city of Innsbruck.

Our aim is to create an intercultural, social, and professional exchange between psychology students. The whole exchange program is organized by students of the University of Innsbruck in cooperation with the Department of Psychology.

In the past, every year about 30 students from several universities around the world have taken part in this project. This year we would like to invite the same number of students again to come visit us in Innsbruck.

Our international guests will be hosted free of charge by fellow psychology students, who are also invited to take part in the program.

The affordable participation fee for each student is 95 Euros and includes all activities we have planned.

The Program:

In general, the program is based on the following 3 concepts:

Professional exchange

• presentations on our department and the University of Innsbruck

• lectures held by our professors of the psychology department

• psychological workshops

• establishing international networks

Cultural exchange

• a guided tour through the city

• a hiking trip on the local mountains

• a visit to a theater/museum

• leisure activities depending on the regional offer (e.g. glacier-trip, high rope course)

Social exchange

• Welcome dinner(opening event at the university, including an open buffet)

• Pub-Quiz

• Running Dinner (a dinner where every course is eaten at a different host’s apartment)

• „Exchange-Party“ and Innsbruck’s nightlife

For further information visit our website:

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Data publikacji: wtorek, 16. Styczeń 2018 - 12:56; osoba wprowadzająca: Importer Automatyczny Ostatnia zmiana: wtorek, 16. Styczeń 2018 - 12:56; osoba wprowadzająca: Importer Automatyczny