"Regenerative Tourism" oraz "The Instagramable Hotel" - wykłady prof. Christiana Dragina-Jensena 8 maja

W dniach 7-8 maja w Instytucie Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki przestrzennej, w ramach programu Erasmus+ na Wydziale Nauk Społecznych gościć będzie dr Christian Dragin-Jensen z Business Academy SouthWest w Danii.

Zapraszamy studentów i pracowników na wykłady pt. Regenerative Tourism (8 maja 8:45-9:45 sala S 209) oraz The Instagramable Hotel (8 maja 10:00-11:00 sala S 209).

Christian Dragin-Jensen is an Associate Professor at the Business Academy Southwest in Denmark. He holds a PhD from the University of Southern Denmark where he researched on how events could be used a strategic imaging tool for city branding. He continues his research in city branding, and also has headed several international research projects within the experience economy and tourism. Most recently, his projects have focused on regenerative tourism, the instagrammable hotel, and Nordic coastal tourism, and is also the founder and leader of a Nordic and Baltic tourism education network, TourNord. He has recently won the 2023 research project of the year in the Danish Business Academy Sector for his project “Event innovation in times of uncertainty”.  

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Data publikacji: środa, 17. Kwiecień 2024 - 12:19; osoba wprowadzająca: Karolina Żuk-Wieczorkiewicz Ostatnia zmiana: środa, 17. Kwiecień 2024 - 12:22; osoba wprowadzająca: Karolina Żuk-Wieczorkiewicz