Szkoła letnia 2021-Frankfurt

Szanowni Studenci!
Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z ofertą Szkoły Letniej w Frankfurcie.
Frankfurt Summer School is a 2 or 4 week program. Coming August we will offer 20 different academic modules with a wide range of topics like Return on Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Gender Studies, Law in a Globalized World, Social Science Research Methods, Quantum Mechanics or the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.
As additional options, students can participate in German language classes.
For cultural immersion we offer excursions within Frankfurt and to Heidelberg as well as weekend trips to Berlin and Amsterdam.
Frankfurt Summer School will be conducted in a digital version in case there would be sustained travel restrictions due to the Covid-Pandemic.
During past iterations, participants came from 30 countries in the world, so students get to experience a very international and diverse environment.
Please also visit our website at for more information.
We will open our application platform by the middle of January, the deadline for applying is April 30, 2021.
Goethe University Frankfurt 
Bockenheimer Landstr. 133 | 60325 Frankfurt am Main | Germany
Phone +49 69 798 -15098


Załącznik Rozmiar
Frankfurt Summer School 2021 263.37 KB
FSS Module Overview 2021 885.2 KB
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Data publikacji: wtorek, 5. Styczeń 2021 - 11:56; osoba wprowadzająca: Importer Automatyczny Ostatnia zmiana: wtorek, 5. Styczeń 2021 - 11:57; osoba wprowadzająca: Importer Automatyczny