Contemporary Arab World in the International Relations

The Institute of Political Sciences at the University of Gdansk is pleased to invite you to participate at the international conference „Contemporary Arab World in the International Relations” to be held at the University of Gdansk seat, Poland on 24th of September 2015.
The Registration Form, 
which includes abstract of the paper (kept to 300 words) and a short bio, should be sent to the till 20th August 2015.

More details in attached files.

Załącznik Size
Invitation 216.46 KB
Registration Form 52.05 KB
Pokaż rejestr zmian

Data publikacji: piątek, 23. Styczeń 2015 - 09:47; osoba wprowadzająca: Importer Automatyczny Ostatnia zmiana: piątek, 10. Kwiecień 2015 - 06:37; osoba wprowadzająca: Marta Sitarz